Getting Started
/kit guide is an in-game guidebook which contains most of the commands helpful for beginner players.
/kit starter will give you free beginner gear
/pvp toggle will enable or disable pvp
/kits will list available kits and guidebooks for you to claim
/sb will hide the scoreboard which is on the right side of your screen
/rtp is a random teleport
/spawn will return you to spawn.
Teleporting and Homes
/sethome [name] will put a warp location that you can return to.
/home [name] will return you home.
/tpask [name] and /tpahere [name] will send teleport requests to a player.
/pwarp [name] will teleport you to a player's warp location.
/tptoggle will stop players from being able to request to teleport to you.
/afk will move you to and from the afk room.
Claiming Land
/kits claim will give you a guidebook and tools for claiming land.
Claims will only work in the Overworld.
Skills and Ranks
/ranks as you spend time on the server and vote you can unlock perks like more homes and night vision.
/vote will show the sites you can vote on, for rewards, money, and to rank up. You can vote on each site once a day.
/rankup to rank up.
/skills doing actions like jumping or mining will give stat increases and unlock special skills.
Chatting and Parties
/msg [name] will dm players. /r is a quick way to reply to someone.
@[name] will ping a player.
/ignore [name] will mute a player in global.
Parties are private chats that can only be seen by players you invite. (and admins.)
Use /party create and then /party invite [name] to invite players to a party.
/p on and /p off will switch you between global and party chats.
Buying and Selling
/bal shows you your balance
/trade [name] lets you sell remotely to a specific player.
To reduce lag the server deletes items dropped in large groups. Use /trade [name] to prevent your items being deleted.
/pshop will teleport you to player’s in-game shops.
/ah will show you the auction house, for remotely buying items from players.
/ah sell [price] [number] adds an item to the auction house.
#mc-market is the place to advertise in discord.
/shop allows you to sell/buy items from the admin shop.
Left click an item in the shop to buy, right click to sell.
/sell handall sells the items in your hand to the admin shop.
Twitch Rewards
Use /twitch [twitch account name] to link your account and get loot crates while watching associate streamers when they're playing on the server.
Click on a slab with an empty hand to sit on it, or use /sit.